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Your opportunity to speak out on any topic related to waterfowling in South Dakota
South Dakota Waterfowling Videos and Photos
It’s Easy to Share Your Videos and Pix. This is your chance to share everything waterfowl—experiences in the field and on the water, dogs, and decoys.
Commercializing Waterfowl
Putting dollar signs on ducks and geese is undermining the tradition of waterfowl hunting in South Dakota.
Creating Hunting Opportunities
Although the GF&P survey identifies lack of opportunity as a major cause in the decline of resident waterfowl hunters, commercial waterfowl operators claim there is an abundance of opportunity.
Join the Camo Coalition
The South Dakota Wildlife Federation is our strongest ally in resisting the commercialization of waterfowl hunting, excessive hunting pressure and reduced opportunity.
Nonresident Waterfowl Licenses
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See the birds, hear the guns, experience the hunt.
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What We Said
Look here for the positions the South Dakota Waterfowl Association has taken on waterfowl hunting issues in South Dakota.
South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks Hunting and Fishing App
This app allows users to view and store hunting and fishing regulations on their mobile device, apply for hunting or fishing licenses, view maps of public hunting and fishing opportunities and more. FREE for Android and iPhone. Search SDGFP Outdoors in either store.