GF&P Commission Action
South Dakota Waterfowl Association and the SD GP&PGFP COMMISSION ALERT May 2023 Commission Meeting (Custer)
GFP COMMISSION ALERT President’s Message- Cody Warner May 2023 Commission Meeting (Custer) – GFP Proposal to Increase Nonresident Waterfowl Licenses by 5% Greetings SDWA members, As promised, attached are the links to the current meeting. I highly recommend...
GFP COMMISSION ALERT May 2023 Commission Meeting
President’s Message- Cody Warner Greetings SDWA members, As some of you may have seen, during the April Commission meeting the proposal to increase Nonresident waterfowl licenses was discussed and ultimately approved by the Commission members. The next step is...
President’s Final Message – George Vandel, Pierre
President’s final message – George Vandel, Pierre April 2022 The 2022 Legislative session is officially over and there was nothing involving nonresident waterfowl or for that matter only a limited number of conservation bills. One that I followed and lobbied against...
GFP COMMISSION ALERT February 2022 Follow Up
For your review and information, I have attached a letter and fact sheet regarding the Pierre area refuge expansion. Individual, identical letters were mailed to all 8 GFP Commissioners, Secretary Kevin Robling and Wildlife Director Tom Kirschenmann. Refuge...
GFP COMMISSION ALERT President’s message – George Vandel, Pierre February 2022 I have attached information about the proposed Missouri River Waterfowl Refuge expansion. Some background: At the January Commission meeting and based on a petition submitted by the...
President’s message – George Vandel, Pierre January 2022 At the January Commission meeting and based on a petition submitted by the Migratory Bird Association (a group of landowners and fee hunters in the Pierre area) the Commission proposed greatly expanding an...
Some Updates and Suggestions
Some Updates and Suggestions President’s message – George Vandel, Pierre October, 2020 I have a couple of updates for the group. With help from some of the Board, we prepared an action plan for GFP and GFP Commission to take regarding waterfowl hunter access and...
Waterfowl Access Plan
Waterfowl Access Plan President’s message – George Vandel, Pierre June 9, 2020 In cooperation with the SD Wildlife Federation, Bill Koupal and I helped draft a waterfowl access proposal. We also consulted with a select few SDWA members for their input. The timing...
SDWA Open Letter to the GF&P Commission
Members of the Commission: The number of resident waterfowl hunters has plummeted from 43,500 in 2001 to 30,000 in 2015, a one third decline in the last 15 years. The most recent GF&P survey showed that one of the major reasons for the decline was the loss in...
Organizations Seek to Cancel Nonresident Waterfowl Licenses
For Immediate Release October 3, 2016 The state’s two largest waterfowl organizations have petitioned the Game Fish and Parks Commission to invalidate and rescind all nonresident three-day licenses issued outside of the Missouri River unit. The petition to invalidate...