Task Description
South Dakota Waterfowl Association Field CoordinatorTask Description: South Dakota Waterfowl Association Field Coordinator
Thank you for considering the role of field coordinator for the South Dakota Waterfowl Association. We intend to build an organization that will exercise political power in its dealings with the GF&P Commission, the legislature and the governor’s office. If we hope to stop the rush toward increased commercialization of waterfowl hunting, like it or not, we have to become a political force.
To achieve that goal, we must have active participation by our members at the local level– field coordinators will be critical to that effort.
Here’s what we will be asking you to do.
- Motivate members on your contact list (up to 15) to respond to action alerts on specific topics. For example, if the GF&P commission is considering a proposal, the SDWA board will provide members information about the proposal and explain its position. Your responsibility will be to do your best, using whatever method that works for you, to get the SDWA members on your list to email or write the commission expressing their opinion.
- Forward press releases, guest editorials and other media releases to the legislators in your district letting them know you are concerned with the issues covered.
- Forward press releases, guest editorials and other media releases to the editor of your local newspaper and to radio stations in your district letting them know you are concerned with the issues covered.
- Provide the SDWA board feedback on its actions, the reaction in your community and what we need to emphasize or change.
- Forward the names and contact information of waterfowlers who you think might join the SDWA.
Here’s what we don’t expect you to do, but would be pleased if you did.
- Get to know your legislators personally
- Attend legislative cracker barrel sessions and ask legislators questions related to waterfowl issues in particular and sportsmen’s issues in general
- Make a telephone call to each of the SDWA members on your list to let them know you are available to hear their concerns and ideas
- Represent the SDWA board as a guest on a local radio talk show
- Represent the SDWA board by writing the occasional letter or guest editorial for publication in your local newspaper related to waterfowl issues
- Agree to take charge of a SDWA table at a DU banquet or local sportsmen’s organization meeting and sign up new members
Here’s what the SDWA board will do.
- Provide you contact information of SDWA members on your list
- Introduce you to the members on your list through an email
- Include you in the board discussion on proposed positions on waterfowling issues
- Provide you with press releases, articles and other media information for distribution
- Provide you with assistance in writing letters, guest editorials or other materials